What are the components of CEMS system?

CEMS refers to a device that continuously monitors the concentration and total emission of gaseous pollutants and particulate matter emitted by air pollution sources and transmits information to the competent department in real time. It is called “automatic flue gas monitoring system”, also known as “continuous flue gas emission monitoring system” or “flue gas on-line monitoring system”. CEMS is composed of gaseous pollutant monitoring subsystem, particulate matter monitoring subsystem, flue gas parameter monitoring subsystem and data acquisition and processing and communication subsystem. The gaseous pollutant monitoring subsystem is mainly used to monitor the concentration and total emission of gaseous pollutants SO2, NOx, etc; The particle monitoring subsystem is mainly used to monitor the concentration and total emission of smoke and dust; The flue gas parameter monitoring subsystem is mainly used to measure the flue gas flow rate, flue gas temperature, flue gas pressure, flue gas oxygen content, flue gas humidity, etc., and is used for the accumulation of total emissions and the conversion of relevant concentrations; The data acquisition, processing and communication subsystem is composed of a data collector and a computer system. It collects various parameters in real time, generates dry basis, wet basis and converted concentration corresponding to each concentration value, generates daily, monthly and annual cumulative emissions, completes the compensation of lost data, and transmits the report to the competent department in real time. The smoke and dust test is carried out by the cross flue opacity dust detector β X-ray dust meters have developed to plug-in backscattered infrared light or laser dust meters, as well as front scattering, side scattering, electric dust meters, etc. According to different sampling methods, CEMS can be divided into direct measurement, extraction measurement and remote sensing measurement.

What are the components of CEMS system?

1. A complete CEMS system consists of particle monitoring system, gaseous pollutant monitoring system, flue gas emission parameter monitoring system and data acquisition and processing system.
2. Particle monitoring system: particles generally refer to the diameter of 0.01~200 μ The subsystem mainly includes particle monitor (soot meter), backwash, data transmission and other auxiliary components.
3. Gaseous pollutant monitoring system: pollutants in flue gas mainly include sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, hydrogen chloride, hydrogen fluoride, ammonia, etc. The subsystem mainly measures the components of pollutants in flue gas;
4. Flue gas emission parameter monitoring system: mainly monitors flue gas emission parameters, such as temperature, humidity, pressure, flow, etc. These parameters are related to the concentration of the measured gas to a certain extent, and the concentration of the measured gas can be measured;
5. Data acquisition and processing system: collect, process, convert and display the data measured by the hardware, and upload it to the platform of the environmental protection department through the communication module; At the same time, record the time and equipment status of blowback, failure, calibration and maintenance.


Post time: Jul-19-2022