MPRXCX® 331 0.6/1 (1.2) kV
MPRXCX® 331 type is used on board of ships at all levels and open decks for fixedinstallations complying with IEC standards 60092-352 and in safety circuits, wherefire resistance is required. The good screening qualities of the braid also reduceradio interference and electrical influences to electronic installations. MPRXCX® 331type meets the IEC 60331 fire characteristics, withstands IEC 60332-3-22 fire teston bunched cables and performs to the SOLAS requirements. All materials used toproduce this cable are halogen free. This design ensures that non corrosive and lowtoxic gases are emitted in case of fire. -
MPRXCX® -FLEX 0.6/1 (1.2) kV
MPRXCX® -FLEX type is used on board of ships in all locations below the upper metallicdeck for fixed installations complying with IEC standards 60092-352. MPRXCX® -FLEXusing is recommended for installations in narrow space. MPRXCX® -FLEX type withstandsIEC 60332-3-22 fire test on bunched cables and performs to the SOLAS requirements.All materials used to produce this cable are halogen free. This design ensures that noncorrosive and low toxic gases are emitted in case of fire. -
MPRXCX® 0.6/1 (1.2) kV
MPRXCX® type is used on board of ships at all levels and open decks for installationscomplying with IEC standards 60092-352. The good screening qualities of the braidalso reduce radio interference and electrical influences to electronic installations.MPRXCX® type withstands IEC 60332-3-22 fire test on bunched cables and performsto the SOLAS requirements. All materials used to produce this cable are halogen free.This design ensures that non corrosive and low toxic gases are emitted in case of fire. -
MPRX® 331 0.6/1 (1.2) kV
MPRX® 331 type is used on board of ships in all locations below the upper metallicdeck for fixed installations complying with IEC standards 60092-352 and in safetycircuits, where fire resistance is required. MPRX® 331 type meets the IEC 60331 fireresistant performances, withstands IEC 60332-3-22 fire test on bunched cables andperforms to the SOLAS requirements. All materials used to produce this cable arehalogen free. This design ensures that non corrosive and low toxic gases are emittedin case of fire. -
MPRX® -FLEX 0.6/1 (1.2) kV
deck for fixed installations complying with IEC standards 60092-352. MPRX® -FLEXusing is recommended for installations in narrow space.MPRX® -FLEX type withstands IEC 60332-3-22 fire test on bunched cables andperforms to the SOLAS requirements. All materials used to produce this cable arehalogen free. This design ensures that non corrosive and low toxic gases are emittedin case of fire. -
MPRX® 0.6/1 (1.2) kV
MPRX® type is used on board of ships in all locations below the upper metallic deck forfixed installations complying with IEC standards 60092-352. MPRX® type withstandsIEC 60332-3-22 fire test on bunched cables and performs to the SOLAS requirements.All materials used to produce this cable are halogen free. This design ensures that noncorrosive and low toxic gases are emitted in case of fire. -
TCX® (I)331 150/250 (300) V
TCX® (I) 331 type is used on board of ships in all locations for installations complyingwith IEC standards 60092-352.For open decks installation, cables have to coveredagainst UV rays. TCX® (I) 331 type meets IEC 60331 fire resistant performances,withstands IEC 60332-3-22 fire test on bunched cables and performs to the SOLASrequirements. All materials used to produce this cable are halogen free. This designensures that non corrosive and low toxic gases are emitted in case of fire. -
TCX® (I) 150/250 (300) V
TCX® (I) type is used on board of ships in all locations for installations complying withIEC standards 60092-352.For open decks installation, cables have to be coveredagainst UV rays. TCX® (I) type withstands IEC 60332-3-22 fire test on bunched cablesand performs to the SOLAS requirements. All materials used to produce this cable arehalogen free. This design ensures that non corrosive and low toxic gases are emittedin case of fire. -
TCX® (C)331 150/250 (300) V
TCX® (C) 331 type is used on board of ships in all locations for installations complyingwith IEC standards 60092-352. For open deck installation, cables have to be coveredagainst UV rays. TCX® (C) 331 type meets IEC 60331fire resistant performances,withstands IEC 60332-3-22 fire test on bunched cables and performs to the SOLASrequirements. All materials used to produce this cable are halogen free. This designensures that non corrosive and low toxic gases are emitted in case of fire. -
TCX® (C) 150/250 (300) V
TCX® (C) type is used on board of ships in all locations for installations complying withIEC standards 60092-352. For open decks installation, cables have to be coveredagainst UV rays. TCX® (C) type withstands IEC 60332-3-22 fire test on bunched cablesand performs to the SOLAS requirements. All materials used to produce this cable arehalogen free. This design ensures that non corrosive and low toxic gases are emittedin case of fire. -
TX® (I)331 150/250 (300) V
TX® (I) 331 type is used on board of ships in all locations below the upper metallic deckfor fixed installations complying with IEC standards 60092-352. TX® (I) 331 type meetsIEC 60331 fire resistant performances, withstands IEC 60332-3-22 fire test on bunchedcables and performs to the SOLAS requirements. All materials used to produce thiscable are halogen free. This design ensures that non corrosive and low toxic gases areemitted in case of fire. -
TX® (I) 150/250 (300) V
TX® (I) type is used on board of ships in all locations below the upper metallic deck forfixed installations complying with IEC standards 60092-352. TX® (I) type withstandsIEC 60332-3-22 fire test on bunched cables and performs to the SOLAS requirements.All materials used to produce this cable are halogen free. This design ensures that noncorrosive and low toxic gases are emitted in case of fire.